First Friday Showing | Artspace, Raleigh | Fragile Foundations


Fragile Foundations

Ivana Milojevic Beck
October 6 - 28, 2017
Opening Reception: First Friday, October 6, 6:00-10:00pm
Upfront Gallery, Artspace

Liberty art's own Ivana Milojevic Beck has a First Friday opening at Raleigh's Upfront Gallery in Artspace. Located at 201 E. Davie St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27601

Artist Ivana Milojevic Beck grapples with a foundational identity between her Serbian and American homes. Beck’s sculptural forms and drawings focus on generations of women in her family and portray the resilience, flexibility, and adaptability passed down the line. The use of structural materials such as brick, wax, and mortar allude to the physical structure of home while the fleshy pink surfaces and organic forms evoke women’s roles within that space.