Lighting up Liberty

fundraising for neon glass bending at liberty arts

Liberty Arts of Durham, North Carolina is a multimedia arts destination dedicated to enriching art experiences for artists and the surrounding communities. Liberty Arts is passionate about arts education as a tool for creative growth and personal and community development. Part of our mission is to continue to offer intriguing and new classes. 

Neon Glass Bending is an older art form, that is dying out in some areas. Durham is thriving in the neon world, and we would love to host Intro Neon Glass Bending classes, which offer students the opportunity to form abstract and organic shapes from glass. The glass can then be turned into a working neon sign, at further cost. For about $150.00 you can make your own glass form to be turned into a sign of your very own.

In order to start hosting these classes, Liberty Arts needs to buy several ribbon burners, oxygen acetylene, flame blowers, and safety equipment. We are looking for your help in kickstarting this amazing adventure and helping us buy the materials needed.

help to make these classes a reality!

You can support us using this form, or visit our Donorbox for more information by clicking the link below!